Saturday, May 18, 2013

Diving At Marsa Alam

Marsa Alam when scuba diving in Egypt. Most dive trips within the area focus on eco diving and projects that are set up and focused on the environment and preserving the beauty within the area. From half day tours to full day tours far off the shore you can experience toiling directly with nature in Marsa Alam. No more overcrowded beaches or dive sites and no more mega resorts plastered around the area. This is nature at its best and if you want to truly experience natural diving then this is the place to be.The best months to go scuba diving in Egypt are hard to classify. The entire year offers ideal weather but you may want to visit from December to march in order to dive more comfortably. At this time the weather is less intense and will not completely sweat you out. The water temperature in Egypt varies from between 25 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius at any given time. When swimming in the area you will most likely require extra weights as the Red Sea is extremely salty and offers extra buoyancy. The visibility you will notice underwater when scuba diving in Egypt is unrivaled. You can usually see as far as 30m below the surface at any give time. When it comes to climate in Egypt it is always warm and gets extra hot right around May where the temperatures can exceed 40 degrees Celsius. However the air cools significantly at night and the temperatures are hardly ever unbearable.


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